Kind care. These two words serve as the pillars of our mission: to connect with, grow alongside, educate, and serve our patients, clients, caregivers, and community.
Here is our commitment:

For our employees; no human who chooses a career of caring for another human being should have to make sacrifices in their personal life for their job. As a caregiver, we honor you by providing flexible scheduling hours and locations, premium pay, and 24/7 staffing support. We want to provide you with the ability to succeed at work and at home, and encourage a work-life balance. We also understand that your heart for serving others is the core nature of who you are. We honor you by working to provide a platform to help fulfill your life’s mission in serving others beyond your service in healthcare, and to align your passion with a support system to create lasting impacts in the lives of those you do serve.
For our patients; we emphasize kindness in the patient care experience we provide. All of our caregivers will treat you with the dignity and respect you deserve. We understand we are entering your home, and aim to bring that feeling of “home” into the care we provide in healthcare. We honor you and appreciate the opportunity to serve you.
For our clients; together, we will staff better patient outcomes. Our Kindcare staff do not just show up to do their job; they show up to excel, to be a team player, to support your employees, and to ensure every patient experiences compassion. Utilizing a staffing agency that sets a standard of kind care boosts facility morale, prevents burnout for your own staff, and ensures that every patients’ needs are met. Together, we can diversify and expand your pool of top-quality caregivers.
For our community; it truly takes a village. From education to philanthropy- our goal is to serve with kindness and compassion, to connect people with their own passions, and to give back to our community so that our community can come together to give to each other. Through our “One Million Hours” campaign and our “Kind-Cares” initiatives, we are able to create avenues for charitable actions. We strive for unity, collaboration, and the opportunity to connect all generations to contribute toward a kinder community.