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Kind-Cares: Our Community Initiatives

At Kindcare, our mission is simple: kindness. Part of spreading kindness includes reaching out to the communities we work within in order to grow alongside, educate with, and serve in ways that uplift them. We decided that the best way to connect our company, our employees, and our communities together was through monthly initiatives. These “Kind-Cares” initiatives will involve our partner facilities, the patients we serve, and the people in the communities that we serve in. Our Kind-Cares initiatives will be focused on addressing needs within our communities, whether they be physical, social, financial, or educational. We desire to connect community members to each other to build healthy and beneficial relationships that span generations.

Our hope is to involve communities with the care of their elders. Elderly members of our communities can experience unaddressed social and emotional needs, especially in long-term care facilities where they might not get visited by their loved ones regularly. With community involvement, Kindcare hopes that we can honor our older generations and make them feel valued and loved. This includes initiatives like pen-pal programs or sending Christmas cards, sponsored activities like ice cream socials or a miniature fair, donations of blankets, clothing, books, games, etc., community volunteer opportunities, and more. We would like to connect to classrooms and students for education about aging and the elderly and Kind-Care initiative opportunities, so children can be inspired to care for and honor all members of their community. We hope that all community members step up to do the work and make the connections needed to establish a kinder, healthier community.

Kindcare has also established our employee-led “One Million Hours” initiative. Through it, our caregivers can be more than just feet on the floor when it comes to healthcare. One dollar of every billable hour our caregivers work gets put into our Million Hours Fund, and then our caregivers can utilize that fund towards charitable actions in the facilities they work. We also encourage our employees to volunteer outside of their work hours to spend time with their patients outside of a caregiver relationship. Our goal is to reach one million hours of employee-led volunteer work.

We want to make our Kind-Cares initiatives accessible for everyone: teachers, students, members of clubs and churches, our employees, families of patients, and anyone else wanting to help their local community and elderly members of it. Our monthly Kind-Cares newsletter will contain volunteer connections and opportunities so anyone who subscribes can stay updated on community needs. If you have an idea for a Kind-Cares initiative, submit it via this link:

Want to get involved? Subscribe to our newsletter!

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